Temporal 2013
Directed by José Luis López González “Catxo”
Genre Comedy, Drama
Produced by Blur Media, El Patio de la Higuera
Length 84'
Written by Andrés Arias, Pablo Caballero
Cinematography Curro Ferreira
Art Direction Mercedes García Navas
Music by Leiva, El Intruso
Cast Natalia de Molina, Maggie Civantos, Adrián Lastra, Melani Olivares
Temporal is a current story. It may be happening to your coworker, your friend, your brother, your father, your son or your girlfriend. It may happen to anyone. Even though you think you are safe, the truth is that it can happen to you. 24h in the life of five anonymous characters who do not know each other; their only bond is that they have found a job through the same temporary employment agency.